C1 Advanced (Sat)

  • 22.03.2025
  • 22.03.2025
  • 15.01.2025
  • Paper
  • Bern
  • CHF 412.50
  • 1Personal Data
  • 2Pre-Confirmation
  • 3Confirmation

Personal Data

Re-take option

The following conditions apply to the Re-take Option: A candidate has failed their exam by 3 points or less. A candidate was absent from the exam on medical or compassionate grounds - a medical certificate must be sent to the Centre within 10 days of the exam date. A candidate must contact the Centre within 15 days of the last day of the official examination result release date if they wish to redeem this option. The re-sit must be taken within 9 months of the original exam date. The re-take option is only valid for the same exam level that the candidate failed. The re-sit must take place at the original exam Centre.

Partner Reference Code

Special Arrangements


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