Privacy Policy

The Cambridge English Exam Centre Basel regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as important to our successful operations and to the maintenance of confidence of those with whom we deal. We will ensure that our staff and those acting on our behalf obtain, use and disclose personal information lawfully and correctly. To this end we fully endorse and adhere to the principles of data protection, as set out in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPRs) 25 May 2018 "The Act". We shall apply the Act here in Switzerland, except where part or all of any local law is stronger. For more information on data protection, please consult the Swiss New Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP), which came into force on 1 September 2023.
You can find the EU Data Protection rules here GDPRs

In particular we will:

  • observe the conditions in the nFADP regarding the fair collection and use of personal information
  • collect and process appropriate personal information, including test-day photographs, only to the extent that it is needed to fulfill our operational needs or to comply with any legal requirements
  • ensure the accuracy of any personal information kept by us, apply checks to determine the length of time personal information is held by us
  • we will keep records of personal information as long as is necessary for exam purposes but no longer than 2 years from the exam written date
  • ensure that the rights of people about whom personal information is held are able to be exercised fully under the Actor within local legal requirements
  • take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to safeguard personal information
  • ascertain that personal information is not sold, shared or transferred to any third parties outside the scope of Cambridge University Press & Assessment. We may disclose your personal information to third parties who act on behalf of Cambridge University Press & Assessment, or in connection with the business of Cambridge University Press & Assessment for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) with which the data originally collected, such as validation, results verification or evaluation.

Please note that where our website contains links to other websites, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites and this statement applies solely to any personal information collected by our website.

IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. We only use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer our website, track general user movements, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.

Furthermore, please be aware that we use cookies on our website. We use cookies to track the interests of our users so that we can subsequently enhance their experience on our website. If your browser rejects a cookie, you may still use our website.

Please contact the Cambridge English Exams Centre Basel

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Privacy policy / Imprint