Entry Conditions Cambridge English Qualifications (CEQ)

Please read this important information carefully.

Centre: Cambridge English Authorised Exam Centre
Preparation Centre: School or institution responsible for preparing and/or entering candidates for a Cambridge English qualification.

This document describes the terms, conditions and procedures for registering and paying for a Cambridge English qualification. Please ensure that this information is distributed to all the teachers running Cambridge English examination courses.
In the case of an examination date not being available in your area, Preparation Centres should contact this Centre and we will be happy to accommodate.
We would like to point out that we are also able to administer an examination in any other area in Switzerland. Please contact us if you have any questions in this regard or if you require any other assistance regarding the Cambridge English qualification.

Please also consult Questions & Answers.

1. Entries and Registration Procedures

Dates, Fees, Closing date for entries: Please go to Dates for information regarding dates, deadlines and fees.

Late Entries
There will be an additional fee of CHF 60.00 for entries arriving after the entry deadline.

Entries after these deadlines will only be accepted at the discretion of the Centre. Entries will ONLY be valid if proof of executed payment is attached – see Point 4.

Block Entry Forms
The preferred method of registration for Preparation Centres is the Block Entry. This is beneficial to Preparation Centres if they wish to have full control of candidate registration or if they or their teachers are making entry arrangements on behalf of their student(s). Please use one online entry form per level/date. Please note that if Preparation Centres use the Block Entry form, they have ensured that:

  • They have received permission from their candidates to act on their behalf.
  • In the case of minors the necessary permission from a parent or guardian has been obtained. Consent forms are available on the website.

Preparation Centres may also ask their candidates to register individually using the Individual Entry Form. If the Preparation Centre wishes to access the results on the Preparation Centre Website, they should ask their candidates to select the school from the drop-down list when they register.

Invoicing for Preparation Centres
Preparation Centres using the Block Entry online option will receive an invoice from the Centre. Invoices will be issued approximately 2 weeks after the relevant registration deadline.

Individual Entry Forms
These are to be used by candidates entering privately.

Candidates under 18 MUST have permission from a parent or guardian to sit an examination. Please follow the instructions on the online Individual Entry form. Consent Forms are also available on our website.

Registering for the correct exam level
Preparation Centres and individual candidates must ensure that registration is for the correct exam level. The Centre will not accept any responsibility if a candidate has been registered for the wrong exam. The Centre will not reimburse any fees resulting from registration for the wrong exam.

ID requirements
All candidates over 18 must present a government-issued photo ID.

2. Speaking Test Arrangements

Speaking Test Dates
The speaking test dates can be found on the website against the relevant exam level and written date. Candidates are expected to attend the Speaking Test at any time on these given dates.

Candidates cannot choose the date for their Speaking Test. In certain cases, and if the candidate has a valid reason, the Centre may agree to allocate a particular date to a candidate. In such cases the Centre must be contacted before the registration deadline. The Centre cannot guarantee that the request will be granted.

Speaking Test Partners
Candidates may choose their partner for the speaking test. They must follow the instructions on the online Individual Entry form. The Centre cannot guarantee that the request for a speaking test partner will be granted.

Absence from Speaking Test/Change of Speaking Test after registration deadline
If a candidate is unable to attend the Speaking Test on the day allocated, he/she must provide the reason in writing and send this to the Centre. The Cambridge English Exams Centre cannot guarantee that an alternative date(s) will be given to that candidate.

In the case of withdrawals or absenteeism that might affect timetabling of Speaking Tests, a candidate will be given his/her test in a group of three. To accommodate this, a change of time may be necessary.

A change of date or time of an individual Speaking Test is not possible after speaking tests have been allocated. However, in very special circumstances a change may be granted at the discretion and approval of the Centre.

An administrative fee of CHF 150.00 will be levied for any changes made.

3. Exam Re-take Option

The following conditions apply to the Re-take Option:

A candidate has failed their exam by 3 points or less.

A candidate was absent from the exam on medical or compassionate grounds - a medical certificate must be sent to the Centre within 10 days of the exam date.

A candidate must contact the Centre within 15 days of the last day of the official examination result release date if they wish to redeem this option.

The re-sit must be taken within 9 months of the original exam date.

The re-take option is only valid for the same exam level that the candidate failed.

The re-sit must take place at the original exam Centre.

Additional fee for re-take option is CHF 25.00.

4. Payments

For Individual Registrations, proof of executed payment must be sent together with the printed confirmation of registration. Registrations will only be accepted and considered valid if proof of executed payment is sent.
When payment is carried out via e-banking, please ensure that a statement confirming an executed transaction is included with entry.

For Block Registrations – please see invoicing above.

Payment slip with QR Code

5. Bank details

Account Holder:
Cambridge Examinations Basel GmbH
Account No: 40-550404-2
IBAN: CH51 0900 0000 4055 0404 2

6. Refunds

Candidates wishing to withdraw before the registration deadline will be granted a full refund.
Candidates wishing to withdraw after the registration deadline will not receive a refund.

7. Confirmation of Entry & Timetables, Results and Certificates

Confirmation of Entry & Timetables
Timetables and other relevant documents will be sent to Candidates and Preparation Centres approx. 3-4 weeks prior to the exam.

Results are available on the Cambridge English Online Results websites. Candidates will receive access codes to obtain their results online. Candidates are responsible for keeping access codes until publication of their results.

Preparation Centres will be granted access to the Preparation Centres website and can access their candidates’ results online.

Certificates will be sent approx. 4 weeks after publication of the results by post direct to individual candidates or to the Preparation Centres if Block Entry registration has been used.

If Preparation Centres send the certificates to their candidates by post, they are advised to send them by registered post.

If a certificate is returned to the Centre because it has not been collected, the Centre will re-send it by registered post at a cost of CHF 20.00. Alternatively, candidates may collect their certificates in person from the Centre. A valid ID must be produced.

8. Valuables, Electronic equipment, Watches

Valuables should not be brought to the examination. Electronic equipment and watches are not allowed in the exam room and should not be brought to the exam. If they are, they will be collected and stored securely outside the exam room. Candidates are advised that the Centre is not liable for any theft, loss or damage to personal items in our custody.

9. Data Protection and Test Day Photo

Cambridge  English exams are becoming increasingly high stakes with many organisations worldwide recognising them for a range of purposes. As a result, Test day photos are mandatory for B2 First, C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency.

  • The photo will be taken on the day of the Speaking Test.
  • The photo will be uploaded to Cambridge English portals.
  • The photos will be stored on Cambridge English servers.
  • Cambridge English assumes responsibility for the storage.
  • The storage is governed by UK Data Protection Law and Cambridge English is fully compliant with this.
  • Cambridge English will provide the local Centre with software that is password protected.
  • The files stored on the laptop or PC are temporarily stored.
  • The local Cambridge English Authorised Exam Centre will delete the file immediately after successful upload to Cambridge English Online.
  • All security provisions will be taken by the local Cambridge English Authorised Exam Centre for this confidential information while it is temporarily stored at the Centre.
  • Registration for a Cambridge English qualification  is subject to these terms and conditions.
  • Cambridge English reserves the right NOT to issue results if there is no corresponding Test Day Photo for the relevant exams.
  • In the case of minors (candidates 17 and under) schools should ensure that they have taken the appropriate steps to obtain permission from a parent or guardian for a Test Day Photo to be taken.

More Exam Regions in Switzerland

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